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What's Happenin'?
Divinely Inspired & Organically Produced - That's the theme for this website.  Given the amount of technology used in allowing you to read this text, the word organic may seem somewhat out of place.  I would beg to differ.

The experiences contained within these pages are simply a binary reflection or digital expression of my life... captured moments in time with my children, loved ones and friends - Digital art imitating life so to speak.

As a father and friend, as I understood it, my job was to enlighten, encourage and empower those around me.  However, somewhere along the way, I found myself surrounded by some pretty amazing souls and in the time I was spending with them, it was I who was being enlightened, encouraged and empowered.

So, with love, honor and respect for every living thing in the universe, I offer you a glimpse into the magic that is my life.  The experiences you are about to witness are 100% natural and homegrown with no additives, colors or preservatives.

Please Enjoy Your Experience!




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Copyright © 2003 CompanyLongName
Last modified: 11/06/05